To download the full PDF of the rulebook, click here.
February 7th, 2025
Slightly modified rules regarding steps for play methods. There is now a second mode selection step during reserve cost payment in the case of payment method either modifying or adding additional modes or selections. This is essentially a "hotfix" for Imbue.
February 3rd, 2025
Expanded section for resolving dependencies.
December 4th, 2024
Added clause to Preserve mechanic: You can return a Preserved card if you are given an option or opportunity to materialize, regardless if you have something to materialize (e.g. your material deck only consists of Preserved cards or a non-regalia card is underneath Quicksilver Grail. You would not have to reveal the card that was underneath Grail except for during the end of game procedures.
Added clause regarding multiple retaliating units and order of damage assignment. Additional rule set regarding a "killing blow" rule where only the unit inflicting lethal damage will trigger its On Kill ability. Subsequent units after the "lethal" unit can still trigger On Hit abilities if the damage dealt is in excess.
Corrected previous addendum to mode and target selection regarding In-line restriction abilities.
Fixed consistencies regarding On Attack triggers.
Shifted obedience clause on Intercept in the ability definitions rather than under obedience definitions for clarity.
Various fixes, QOL improvements (such as download link at the top of this page)
October 17th, 2024
Various fixes
Explicit addition of In-line vs Static Restriction Abilities and mode/target selection regarding these effects on the Effects Stack.
October 8th, 2024
Updated rulebook for Mortal Ambition release
Equestrian is added as a Label Keyword
Added Mastery
Clarified rules for information across zones and last-known information
Expanded section and added in dedicated page to detailing tracking of card and object information across zones: Card and Object Information
Functional change to Dusklight Communion (now the effect will apply and persist even if Dusklight Communion leaves the field)
September 23rd, 2024
Miscelaneous clarifications and fixes. No functional changes.
Cost payment order codified (such as the interaction between Powercell tokens, Cordelia, and payment for Overlord)
"Up to X" wording includes other similar wordings for optional targeting requirements in resolution.
Clarification on default opportunity after activations and materializations.
Clarified what happens if an attack card is activated during active combat (it fizzles)
And that a resolved attack card must choose a valid target (can't opt to not pick and let it fizzle)
State checks will test for loss/win conditions first (now explicit)
August 27th, 2024
Clarified Timestamp rules for cards in champion lineage.
Slightly clarified negate wording
Added clarified language on permission-based clauses (e.g. "you may") to Resolution page
August 23rd, 2024
Sacrificing an object counts as the object being destroyed (mainly to ensure intended interaction between sacrifice and Preserve)
Slightly expanded wording of negated zone destination rules
August 22nd, 2024
Cleaned up Special Game Actions section (Drawing cards removed, rules text of cards excludes special game actions. This is mostly out of consideration for the Eternal Magistrate interaction on turn 1 for Spirit champions.)
Modified negation rules (negating will send things to the graveyard by default, but if the resolution of a negated card were to change the zone it would be placed in, negating will send it to the same place it would have gone upon resolution)
Cleaned up section on Searching and Finding with respect to failure to find among public cards
Reconciled language on Enlighten counters across various sections on the rulebook
Fixed On Hit being unclear with regards to combat damage sources (applies to retaliation as well)
Adjusted negative LV rules (split cases for when negative values don't apply.)
Clarified Brew ruling for additional activation costs
Cleaned up Ending the Game section
July 31st, 2024
Added leveling clause (rule #8) to Champions
Corrected language around default power stats of Champions
Slightly modified language in Triggered Abilities for clarity
Expanded Naming section for clarity in consideration of cards like Nia
July 9th, 2024
Cleaned up inconsistency between verbiage in Attack Declarations and Retaliation Step for opportunity and timing for resolving effects
(Re)Added hindered
Brew rules are now more explicit
July 1st, 2024
Slightly changed language in Champion Types to make rules clearer
Enlighten counters have been changed from an innate champion ability to an ability of the enlighten counters themselves. Therefore, champions can still draw cards through enlighten counters under effects such as Caliburn's
Expanded section on Play Timings with a section on Special Permissions that describe explicitly when and how players can play cards when instructed to do so or when they are given special permissions (Quicksilver Grail, Beseech, Naia, etc.)
June 28th, 2024
Various bugfixes/clarity changes
Sacrifice now correctly specifies that you can only sacrifice things you control
Added negative values clause for LV
May 31st, 2024
Slightly reworded Materialize phase to clarify when/if Opportunity is given. No functional changes
Clarified copies being activations/materializations themselves
May 17th, 2024 (MRC Launch)
Added entries for Imbue, Ambush, Debuff Counters, Agility, Unblockable
Added entries for Redirect, Have/Gain/Get/Are, Reflexive Triggers
Reorganized and realphabetized Glossary and Game Terms
Broadened language around discarding (any zone can be discarded from, the hand is default)
Reworked properties section. Intrinsic properties has been relabeled to Card Characteristics and is now its own section under General Rules.
Reworked section on Properties and States to be more explicit/straightforward
Added note on copying object activations
Fixed card types only specifying activation at slow speed (playing at slow speed is default)
Updated Sideboard rules.
April 28th, 2024
Imported rule book (v1.0.23) from the original document to GitBook for soft launch
Polished wording, fixed various typos, and restructured the rulebook
Last updated