Turn Order - Materialize Phase

  1. The materialize phase is skipped on each player’s first turn during a game.

  2. If an ability would put one or more triggered abilities onto the Effects Stack at the beginning of this phase, the turn player gains Opportunity after each ability pending resolution is placed onto the Effects Stack. The phase will continue to the materialization step (3) of this phase after the Effects Stack is empty.

  3. In this phase, the turn player may choose to materialize a card from their material deck as a turn-based action. Players may only materialize a regalia or champion card from their material deck during this phase.

  4. After the turn player has resolved their materialization, the Effects Stack is empty, and all players have passed Opportunity in succession, the game will move to the Recollection phase.

    1. If the turn player did not materialize a card, no Opportunity will be given and the game will immediately move to the Recollection phase.

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