Game Mechanics - Drawing Cards

Events that result in a drawn card force the player to take the top card of their deck and place it into their hand or their memory as specified.

A drawn card is a discrete event.

E.g., a player drawing N cards requires that player to draw one card N times. This occurs within one effective player action and no Opportunity to act as a result of this arises.

If an effect is placed into the Effects Stack due to a player drawing a card, this effect takes place after all N cards are drawn.

Cards being selected from one or more revealed cards from the deck and added into the hand is not considered drawing a card. In every case where a player would be instructed to draw a card by an event, the rules state the words “Draw X cards” where X is the number of cards to be drawn.

If a player would otherwise be told to place a card from anywhere in their deck into their hand or their memory, this is not considered to be drawing a card unless the rules text of the effect states the word “draw.”

A player attempting to draw a card from their deck without having any remaining cards in the deck results in an automatic loss, i.e. decking out.

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