Abilities - Restriction Abilities

Restrictions grant additional abilities or functional rules text for a card or object based on whether or not a specified condition is fulfilled. These restrictions will typically be represented as a restriction bubble or a level threshold bolded on the card. Examples of restriction bubbles are Class Bonus and Element Bonus while a level restriction will show as a bolded level threshold.

Multiple conditions can restrict the same ability or card text. In this case, each restriction condition must be fulfilled for the ability or rules text to be active. If any of the restrictions preceding an ability on a card are not met, the associated effect rules text is ignored in all zones. If any intrinsic properties would be granted to a card based on the restriction conditions, none of those properties would be granted if the conditions are not met.

If a restriction or combined restrictions are not met, any abilities or rules text associated with that level restriction is ignored in all zones. Restrictions will not follow any of their associated abilities to the Effects Stack after an ability has been put onto the Effects Stack.

Types of Restrictions

Restriction abilities fall under two categories: Static versus In-line restrictions.

Static restrictions appear as black bubbles with white text detailing the restriction ability. These restrictions will statically lock any modes or abilities listed after it for as long as the condition is not met. When activating cards and abilities, the modes and targets of card or ability activated will enter the Effects Stack depending on the condition of the restriction ability during activation. Any changes in available targeting or mode selection will not change for that spell or ability regardless if the state of the restriction ability (on/off) changes.

  1. Restriction abilities that precede effects that specify selection of a necessary target or a mode will not fizzle as a result of losing the condition to fulfill the restriction ability if it was previously unlocked.

In-line restrictions appear as bolded black text next to effects on a card or ability. These restrictions typically do not depend on activation timings, necessary (non-optional) target selections, or mode selections. These restriction abilities will function during the resolution of the card or ability rather than during activation and the process of card or ability activation.

List of Restriction Abilities:

Level Restrictions

A card or ability might specify that an effect can only to happen if the level of a champion is sufficient to match the restriction. This considers any positive or negative level modifications for calculating the level for the requirement and not just the level printed on the champion card in play.

E.g., a restriction of 2+ required the champion’s LV to be 2 or higher.

Class Restrictions

A card or ability might specify that an effect can only to happen if one or more classes of a champion matches the the one or more classes on the card which is the source of the ability.

Memory Restrictions

A card or ability might specify that an effect can only happen if there are the required number of cards in that player's memory.

Element Restrictions

A card or ability might specify that an effect can only happen if the element of the ability's source is enabled for the player.

Champion Restrictions

A card or ability might specify that an effect can only happen if the champion's name (excluding title) matches the name specified by the champion restriction ability.

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