Card and Object Information
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Information on cards or objects considers aspects including status, characteristics, stats, counters, activation/materialization modes, costs paid, and any information related to the abilities of the card or object. Essentially, all of the details necessary to determine effects, state-based actions, and interactions in a game state are carried by cards and objects within the game.
Sometimes, this information is checked when a card or object changes or would change zones. In this case, last-known information is used. Last-known information examines all of the aforementioned aspects of the object in the context where a card or object has changed zones from the point the required information for an effect is examined. Therefore, last-known information is defined as the information the card or object had before leaving the zone it was supposed to be in during the check. This information only examines the last zone and cannot relate information about the card or object it was across two or more zone changes. Both On Leave and On Death abilities use last-known information for their effects.
E.g. In the case of Slime King, the Slime King ally can track information from the activation of the Slime King card. When the On Leave ability triggers and Slime King has left the field, the ability will examine the information on the Slime ally cards carried by the Slime King object, even though it would have left the field.