Game Zones - Banishment
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The Banishment is a public zone owned by a player. Each player has their own Banishment zone.
The Banishment zone is referred to by the term “banishment.”
Any card that has been banished is put into its owner’s banishment.
Cards in banishment must be kept in a single, uniform pile except for some cards asking that a player banish an object or card as part of an effect.
The banished card may be tracked separately from the rest to represent this, but will still be in banishment.
Temporarily banished cards may be represented near or adjacent to the banishment in a separate pile.
If a card would refer to one or more of the cards banished under an effect of that card, it will only correspond to the card or cards banished under that card’s effect, not all or any other cards with the same card name as the source of the effect.
E.g. If a player were to copy Tome of Sacred Lightning which was activated by banishing a Tome of Knowledge, the copied Tome of Sacred Lightning could not refer to the same Tome of Knowledge as a part of its effects since the copy could not have banished the same Tome of Knowledge.