Abilities - Ability Tracking
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Some abilities ask players to remember previously selected modes or options for abilities. Abilities tracked in this way depend on the card that creates and instances the ability.
For champions, this means that the champion card which creates the corresponding ability will track the selected options, not the champion object. This is analogous to an object leaving and re-entering the field with a new instance of that object being created, along with its abilities.
E.g. Tonoris, Genesis Aegis says “At the beginning of your recollection phase, choose one that hasn’t been chosen —” followed by a list of options for summoning tokens. If this Tonoris were to be deleted into a level 2 champion and then the player levels back into Tonoris, Genesis Aegis, a new “version” of the champion card is seen as entering play and will re-instance the triggered ability without any memory of which options were previously chosen. This means a re-leveled champion will be able to select “previously selected” options.