Properties and States

Properties are characteristics of a card or object relating to its individual information or certain mutable or temporary characteristics. Some cards or effects may reference or depend upon these properties. A state is a mode of a property or a way in which that property can be set.

If a state of a property were to try to be set to the state it already is in, the state will not change.

E.g. If an object or card were in the "rested" state, resting that card or object will not cause that card to "become rested" — it will simply be rested and the game will not observe a change in the card's state.

General Card Properties

  1. Facing: The facing of a card is a property with states of being either face-up or face-down. This property is used to determine whether its information is considered public or private.

    1. Face-down cards in all zones except for the field have no properties except for being a card or set properties or characteristics defined by abilities or effects.

    2. If a private card is set face-down in a specific zone with that card being selected due to its characteristics or properties, these cards must be revealed at the end of the game.

  2. Orientation: The orientation of a card is a property with states of being either Awake or Rested. This property is typically used for objects to determine whether they may rest to pay for some costs or to retaliate, if they are defending units.

Activation Properties

  • Prepared

  • Imbued

  • Brewed

For activation properties, the default state is "not prepared" or "not imbued."

Properties and States of Objects

  • Attacking (or non-attacking)

  • Defending (or non-defending)

  • Retaliating (or non-retaliating)

  • Orientation (Awake vs Rested as states)

  • Damaged (or Undamaged)

  • Intercepting (or non-intercepting)

  • Distant (or non-Distant)

  • Fostered (or Unfostered)

  • Loaded (or Unloaded)

  • Brewed (or not Brewed)

  • Imbued (or not Imbued)

  • Prepared (or not Prepared)

  • Preserved (or not Preserved)

Objects will default to being Awake. For all other state pairs among the listed properties, the property will be "off" (or non- / un- ) by default.

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©2024 Weebs of the Shore